Why not?
Lately I’ve been speaking to or reading postings from several people who have been making statements like they know they need to or want to get organized, but they aren’t going to do it now. I feel badly for them for not being ready right now. Although, I do understand that it can be overwhelming to look at all of your stuff and not know where to begin. Or to know that once you do jump in, it is so easy to get distracted and get sucked down one rabbit hole after another. I get it also, that other things seem more important right now, it is a very busy time of year. But let’s face it, when isn’t it busy?
However, I think about all the good things they are missing out on as well as the things they are forgetting about.
- You don’t have to tackle it all at once. You can only eat your elephant one bite at a time any way. Just pick the one area that is bothering you the most.
- Yes, you are very busy. But your stuff isn’t going away. It is probably growing in size and unruliness while you try to ignore it. Save yourself a bigger headache later and take a bite out of it now.
- Are you feeling stuck somehow? Maybe in your career, relationships, or creativity? Believe it or not if you clear up your environment, you can free up some of the energy that is holding you back in these areas. I know it might be a little woo woo for some people. But it really does work.
These are just a few of the many great reasons that I believe are worth taking the time to stop and get organized. I believe that you should give yourself the chance to feel these benefits. The sooner the better!
If you can’t take these steps by yourself, then please consider calling me at 512-925-2962.
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